CORSIKA Physics Description
CORSIKA: A Monte Carlo Code to Simulate Extensive Air Showers
D. Heck, J. Knapp, J.N. Capdevielle, G. Schatz, T. Thouw
Institute for Nuclear Physics
Forschungszentrum und Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe
College de France, Paris
CORSIKA is a program for detailed simulation of extensive air showers initiated by high energy cosmic ray particles. Protons, light nuclei up to iron, photons, and many other particles may be treated as primaries. The particles are tracked through the atmosphere until they undergo reactions with the air nuclei or - in the case of instable secondaries - decay. The hadronic interactions at high energies may be described by five reaction models alternatively: The VENUS, QGSJET, and DPMJET models are based on the Gribov-Regge theory, while SIBYLL is a minijet model. HDPM is a phenomenological generator and adjusted to experimental data wherever possible. Hadronic interactions at lower energies are described either by the more sophisticated GHEISHA interaction routines or the rather simple ISOBAR model. In particle decays all decay branches down to the 1 % level are taken into account. For electromagnetic interactions the shower program EGS4 or the analytical NKG formulas may be used. Options for the generation of Cherenkov radiation and neutrinos exist.
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Report FZKA 6019 (1998), 90 pages, 10 figures
pdf file (644 kB)
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CORSIKA User's Guide
Extensive Air Shower Simulation with CORSIKA: A User's Guide
(Version 7.8000 from February 17, 2025 )
D. Heck, T. Huege and T. Pierog
Institute for Astroparticle Physics
Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT)
CORSIKA is a detailed simulation program for extensive air showers initiated by high energy cosmic particles. The user's guide explains the installation of the code, all the necessary input data sets, the selection of simulation parameters, and the structure of the program outputs.
Publications of Dieter Heck on CORSIKA
Relevant Publications of Dieter Heck on CORSIKA are available here.
For a complete list see SPIRES-HEP Database.