CORSIKA Shower images



CORSIKA Shower Movies

The CORSIKA shower movies are animated .gif files and should be viewable with ordinary web browsers by clicking with the left button on the indicated file in the left column. If you want to install a movie on your own host (for faster movements), click with the right button to download the source file; these downloaded files are visualized on Linux installations by `gifview -a filename.gif' or `xanim filename.gif'.

These shower movies have been established from CORSIKA simulation results, which are arranged as animated .gif files to visualize the development of extensive air showers initiated by gamma, proton, or iron primaries with energies of 100 TeV/1 PeV. The movies have been created by J. Oehlschläger and R. Engel, Institute for Astroparticle Physics, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (2004).

The movies have been created by DM Jürgen Oehlschläger and Prof. Dr. Ralph Engel, Institute for Astroparticle Physics (IAP).

You must respect the copyrights and declare the author's names and the source if you embed a movie in your application.


Movie, Size (MB)
Initiating Particle,
Energy, Zenith Angle
Viewing, Observer
Energy Cut
100 TeV, vertical
side, co-moving
side, fixed
upwards, co-moving
0.1 GeV
coloured particle types,
actual altitude [m] displayed
100 TeV, vertical
side, co-moving
side, fixed
upwards, co-moving
0.1 GeV
coloured particle types,
actual altitude [m] displayed
100 TeV, vertical
side, co-moving
side, fixed
upwards, co-moving
0.1 GeV
coloured particle types,
actual altitude [m] displayed
100 TeV, vertical
side, co-moving
side, fixed
side, fixed
upwards, co-moving
0.1 GeV
coloured particle types,
actual altitude [m] displayed,
including longitudinal and
actual lateral distribution
proton, 100 TeV, 30 deg
proton, 1 PeV, 30 deg
side, fixed
0.1 GeV
1 GeV
coloured particle types,
actual altitude [m] displayed,
hit detectors flashing
proton, 100 TeV, vertical
perspective, fixed
0.1 GeV
traces of hadrons
traces of hadrons & muons
traces of hadrons & muons & electrons
gamma, 1 PeV, vertical
proton, 1 PeV, vertical
iron, 1 PeV, vertical
perspective, fixed
1 GeV
traces of hadrons & muons & electrons


  • Other Shower Movies modeled with CORSIKA have been made available by M. F. Morales as QuickTime movies. More details you find here.
  • More recent Shower Movies modeled with CORSIKA have been made available by A. Oshima.
January 12, 2015
Dieter Heck dieter.heck(at)