Bachelor and Master Theses at the TLK
Within the framework development and characterisation of an atomar hydrogen source currently several bachelor and master theses are advertised These can be found in the following PDF:
- Master- und Bachelorarbeiten Entwicklung und Charakterisierung einer Atomaren Wasserstoffquelle
- Thermische Charakterisierung einer Wolfram- Kapillare
- Aufbau einer atomaren Tritiumquelle und erster Nachweis von atomaren Tritium
The following master theses are currently advertised:
- Elektronen-Rückstreuung an KATRIN’s Detektor
- Simulation des thermischen Gradienten bei Cryo-ViMA
- Concept for cryo-distillation at DARWIN
- Simulation of BIXS spectra for tritiated eutectic lithium-lead mixtures
- Sheet resistance of tritiated graphene
The following bachelor theses are currently advertised
- Characterization measurements of an Optical Emission Spectroscopy Device
- Cryogenic Temperature Calibration of the T2ApIR Experiment
- Experimentelle Charakterisierung der radioinduzierten Equilibrierung tritiierter Gasmischungen
- Simulation des thermischen Gradienten in einem Rotationsvakuummeter
- Experimentelle Untersuchung der druckabhängigen Produktions- und Zerfallsraten von Ozon zur Optimierung der in situ Dekontaminations- und Konditionierungsstrategien für KATRIN
- Simulation of BIXS spectra for tritiated eutectic lithium-lead mixtures
- Measurement of the viscosity of mixtures of hydrogen isotopologues
- Sheet resistance of tritiated graphene
- Characterization of the sorption behavior of SAES ST171 getters for hydrogen isotopologues
It is also possible to make an appointment with Magnus Schlösser or Robin Größle to visit the lab on site and discuss other possible topics.