The participants of the celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Pierre Auger Observatory in front of the main building of the observatory in Malargüe, Argentina
Members of the Auger group at IAP
DP Kai Daumiller
Prof. Dr. Ralph Engel (spokesperson of the Pierre Auger Collaboration and Institutional Representative)
DI (FH) Rainer Gumbsheimer
Dr. Andreas Haungs
Dr. Tim Huege
Dr. Bianca Keilhauer
Heiko Kern
Dr. Quentin Luce
Dr. Hermann-Josef Mathes
Dr. Tanguy Pierog
Dr. Markus Roth (group leader Auger group of IAP and CB Representative)
Michael Riegel
Dr. Harald Schieler
Dr. David Schmidt
Murat Toron
Dr. Ralf Ulrich (deputy group leader Auger group of IAP)
Dr. Michael Unger (deputy group leader Auger group of IAP)
Dr. Darko Veberič
DP Andreas Weindl
Günter Wörner
PhD Students
Neeraj Amin
Kathrin Bismark
Max Büsken
Joaquín de Jésus
Luca Deval
Flavia Gesualdi
Isabel Goos
Steffen Hahn
Vladimir Lenok
Sara Martinelli
Emily Pereira Martins Edyvania
Carmina Pérez Bertolli
Maximilian Reininghaus
Christoph Schäfer
Martin Schimassek
Felix Schlüter
Maximilian Stadelmaier
Alexander Streich
Olena Tkachenko
Varada Varma
Dr. Dieter Heck
Dr. Hans Klages
The management of the Pierre Auger Project is also located at KIT.
Anna Friedrich (Project Secretary)
Dr. Bianca Keilhauer (Cost and Schedule Officer)
Dr. Matthias Kleifges (Technical engineer & Health, Safety and Environment)
Dipl.-Mus. Beatrix von Puttkamer (Webmaster)
Claudia Schäfer (Admin)