Archiv des Gemeinsamen Seminars
Gemeinsames teilchen- und astroteilchenphysikalisches Seminar der Universitäten Heidelberg, Tübingen und des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT), in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Graduiertenkolleg "Elementarteilchenphysik bei höchster Energie und höchster Präzision" und der Helmholtz-Allianz Astroteilchenphysik
Wintersemester 2020/2021:
Dr. Martín González Alonso
Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC), University of València
New Physics searches with neutron and nuclear beta decay
Dr. Josef Pradler
Sub-GeV dark matter – models, candidates and constraints
Prof. Dr. Swapan Chattopadhyay
Fermilab & Northern Illinois University
Quantum Sensors: Cosmic Archaeology of the Early Dark Universe
Dr. Oliver Müller
Université & Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg
Small-scale cosmology with dwarf galaxies
Sommersemester 2020:
Aufgrund der Einschränkungen durch die Corona-Pandemie entfiel das Gemeinsame Seminar im Sommersemester 2020.
Wintersemester 2019/2020:
Prof. Dr. Hendrik Hildebrandt
Astronomisches Institut, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Studying dark energy and cosmology with weak gravitational lensing
Dr. Emma de Oña Wilhelmi
DESY Zeuthen & Institute of Space Sciences, Barcelona
Massive stars as major factories of Galactic cosmic rays
Dr. Laura Molina Bueno
Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics, ETH Zürich
Future long baseline neutrino experiments: Hyper-K & DUNE
Dr. Kai Schmidt-Hoberg
Theory Group, DESY, Hamburg
Sub-GeV dark matter: direct detection and complementary constraints
Sommersemester 2019:
Sprecher/Sprecherin |
Thema |
28.05.2019 |
Dr. Tarek Hassan |
Direct measurement of stellar angular diameters by the VERITAS Cherenkov Telescopes |
04.06.2019 |
Prof. Dr. Philipp Mertsch |
The origin of Galactic cosmic rays: challenges to the standard paradigm |
25.06.2019 |
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Frank Eisenhauer |
The Galactic Center Black Hole -- testing Einstein´s General Relativity and the Black Hole Paradigm |
16.07.2019 |
Prof. Dr. Eduardo Ros |
The M87 Black Hole observed by the Event Horizon Telescope |
Wintersemester 2018/2019:
Referent | Thema |
11.12.2018 |
Dr. Mickael Rigault |
The H0 controversy and Astrophysical biases in Supernova Cosmology |
15.01.2019 |
Prof. Dr. Francesca Di Lodovico |
Hyper-Kamiokande: both a microscope and a telescope for the future |
29.01.2019 |
Jaco de Swart |
05.02.2019 |
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Andreas Bauswein |
Binary Neutron Star Mergers: what can we learn? |
Sommersemester 2018:
Referent | Thema |
24.04.2018 |
Dr. Balazs Kégl |
08.05.2018 |
Dr. Alex Nielsen |
22.05.2018 |
Prof. Dr. Markus Ahlers |
Multi-Messenger Aspects of Cosmic Neutrinos |
26.06.2018 |
Prof. Dr. Giuliana Fiorillo |
Wintersemester 2017/2018:
Referent | Thema |
07.11.2017 |
Dr. Benoît Famaey |
Modified gravity and/or baryon-dark matter interactions as alternatives to collisionless dark matter |
21.11.2017 |
Prof. Dr. Gustavo Romero |
19.12.2017 |
Prof. Dr. Yuri Efremenko |
Sommersemester 2017:
Referent | Thema |
20.06.2017 |
Dr. Javier Redondo Universidad de Zaragoza & Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München |
Searches for axions and axion-like particles: theoretical motivation, status & future |
04.07.2017 |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Pfrommer Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik, Potsdam (AIP) & Universität Potsdam |
The impact of cosmic rays on galaxy formation |
11.07.2017 |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Jordan Zentrum für Astronomie, Universität Heidelberg |
First Results of the GAIA mission |
25.07.2017 |
Dr. Kathrin Valerius Karlsruher Institut für Technologie |
Neutrino mass measurements in the laboratory |
Wintersemester 2016/2017:
Referent | Thema |
22.11.2016 |
Dr. Florian Kühnel Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics, Department of Physics, Stockholm University |
Primordial black holes and their role as dark matter |
06.12.2016 |
Prof. Dr. Michael Wurm Institut für Physik, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz |
Low energy neutrino physics with scintillators, the neutrino mass hierarchy and the JUNO project |
17.01.2017 |
Prof. Dr. Michael Kramer Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn |
Gravity, black holes, neutron stars and other fundamental physics probed by radio astronomy - now and in the SKA era |
24.01.2016 |
Prof. Dr. Jim Hinton Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg |
The future of very high energy gamma-ray astronomy |
Sommersemester 2016:
Referent | Thema |
24.05.2016 |
Prof. Dr. Alexander Kappes |
Measuring the Cosmic-ray Anisotropy at the South Pole |
07.06.2016 |
Prof. Dr. Kevork Abazajian |
Sterile neutrino dark matter: A tale of weak interactions in the strong coupling epoch |
14.06.2016 |
Dr. Béla Majorovits |
Search for neutrinoless double beta decay with 76Ge: Actual status and future perspectives |
12.07.2016 |
Prof. Dr. Klaus Blaum |
Precision tests of fundamental interactions and their symmetries with cooled and stored exotic ions |
Wintersemester 2015/2016:
Referent | Thema |
17.11.2015 |
Prof. Dr. Andrzej Królak Dr. Michał Bejger |
All sky search for gravitational waves using supercomputing systems |
08.12.2015 |
Prof. Dr. Christian Enss |
Cryogenic Micro-Calorimeters: A New Tool for Particle Detection |
15.12.2015 |
Dr. Johannes Albrecht |
LHCb: Search for New Physics and news about Old Physics |
12.01.2015 |
Dr. Damiano Caprioli |
New Insights on the Origin of Cosmic Rays |
Sommersemester 2015:
Referent | Thema |
28.04.2015 |
Prof. Dr. Tord Ekelöf |
ESSnuSB: a facility exploiting the discovery potential for leptonic CP violation at the 2nd neutrino oscillation maximum |
19.05.2015 |
Dr. Matteo Viel |
Constraints on Dark Matter deduced from astroparticle physics in intergalactic space |
16.06.2015 |
Prof. Dr. Günter Sigl |
The enigma of the highest energy particles in the Universe |
07.07.2015 |
Prof. Dr. Ivan Peric |
Detector development for the LHC upgrade |
Wintersemester 2014/2015:
Referent | Thema |
25.11.2014 |
Dr. Ralf Ulrich |
Hadronic interactions in UHECR air showers and at LHC |
09.12.2014 |
Prof. Dr. Heino Falcke Department of Astronomy, Radboud University, Nijmegen |
Radio astronomy and astroparticle physics with the LOFAR array |
20.01.2015 |
Dr. Christopher McCabe GRAPPA Institute, University of Amsterdam |
Interplay of Dark Matter Searches at Colliders and in Direct Detection Experiments |
10.02.2015 |
Dr. Walter Winter Astroteilchenphysik-Theorie, DESY Zeuthen |
Neutrino Astronomy in the multi-messenger context |
Wintersemester 2013/14:
Referent | Thema |
05.11.2013 |
Prof. Dr. Lucio Rossi |
Advanced technology at the LHC: Higgs boson and more |
26.11.2013 |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Amand Fäßler |
KATRIN and the Search for the Cosmic Neutrino Background |
10.12.2013 |
Prof. Dr. Eva Grebel |
Dwarf galaxies and Dark Matter |
21.01.2014 |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schönert |
Results from the GERDA search for neutrinoless double beta decay |
27.05.2014 | Prof. Dr. Evgeny Akhmedov Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg |
Sterile neutrinos and oscillation coherence |
Sommersemester 2013:
Referent | Thema |
Prof. Dr. Justin Read, Department of Physics, University of Surrey |
The local Dark Matter density |
Dr. Iris Gebauer, Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik, KIT |
First results from AMS-02 |
Prof. Dr. Kumiko Kotera, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP) |
Are Magnetars Super-Accelerators? |
Wintersemester 2012/13:
Referent | Thema |
Prof. Dr. Torsten Bringmann, Universität Hamburg |
Gamma Ray Signals from Dark Matter: Concepts, Status and Prospects |
Prof. Dr. Andreas Piepke, University of Alabama |
Results from the EXO experiment on 136-Xe double beta decay |
Prof. Dr. Günter Quast, KIT |
The Higgs Search at LHC: Methods and Results |
Sommersemester 2012:
Referent | Thema |
Prof. Dr. Ute Ebert, CWI Amsterdam und Department of Physics, TU Eindhoven |
Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes: Sparks and Thunderstorms as Particle Accelerators |
22.05.12 |
Dr. Bernhard Lauss, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen |
Physics with the ultracold neutron source at the Paul Scherrer Institute |
Prof. Dr. Kai Martens, IPMU, University of Tokyo |
Latest results of the XMASS Dark Matter search |
Prof. Dr. Heiko Lacker, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Search for the 4th generation of quarks and leptons |
Wintersemester 2011/12:
Referent | Thema |
Dr. Franz Pröbst Max-Planck Institut München |
Results from the CRESST-II Dark Matter search |
Prof. Dr. Lothar Oberauer, Technische Universität München |
Perspectives in low energy neutrino astronomy |
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Husemann, KIT, IEKP |
Top and Beyond -- from the Tevatron to the LHC |
Prof. Dr. Volker Springel Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien |
Structure formation in the Universe |
Sommersemester 2011:
Referent | Thema |
Prof. Dr. Uwe Oberlack, Universität Mainz |
Dark Matter search with XENON100 |
Prof. Dr. Christian Kiesling, MPP München |
The Belle-II project at the Super-KEKB accelerator |
Prof. Dr. Andrea Santangelo, Universität Tübingen |
UHE particle astrophysics with JEM-EUSO |
Prof. Dr. Baha Balantekin, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Wintersemester 2010/11:
Referent | Thema |
Dr. Ruben Saakyan University College London |
Final results from the NEMO-3 double beta decay experiment and prospects for Super-NEMO |
Prof. Dr. Luca Amendola Universität Heidelberg |
Dark Energy: Theory and Observations |
*) |
Prof. Dr. Malcolm Longair Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge |
The High Energy Astrophysics of Compact Extragalactic Sources |
Sommersemester 2010:
Referent | Thema |
Prof. Dr. Marc Weber Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, IPE |
LHC upgrades -- physics and detectors |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, IEKP |
Highlights of the Tevatron Collider |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Kühl |
Physics with the PHELIX laser facility at GSI |
Prof. Dr. Juan Collar Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics. University of Chicago |
Dark Matter searches: an update on COUPP and CoGeNT |
Wintersemester 2009/10:
Referent | Thema |
Prof. Dr. Margarete Muehlleitner Karlsruher Institut für Technologie |
Prospects of Higgs physics at the LHC |
Prof. Dr. Joachim Wambsganß Universität Heidelberg |
The search for Extrasolar Planets |
Prof. Dr. Bernard Schutz Max Planck Institut für Gravitationsphysik, Potsdam |
The Physics of Gravitational Waves and their Detection |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Gaisser University of Delaware |
Particle Astrophysics with the IceCube Experiment |
Sommersemester 2009:
Referent | Thema |
Prof. Dr. Karl Menten Max Planck Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn |
Rescaling the size and mass of the Milky Way with the highest precision in Astronomy |
Prof. Dr. Silvio Bonnometto |
Neutrino mass and a coupling between Cold Dark Matter and Dark Energy? |
Prof. Dr. Martin Asplund Max Planck Institut für Astrophysik, Garching |
The solar modeling problem and solar neutrinos |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Funk Stanford University |
First light from the gamma ray satellite Fermi-LAT |
Wintersemester 2008/09:
Referent | Thema |
Prof. Dr. Piergiorgio Picozza Università di Roma Tor Vergata |
First results from the PAMELA space mission |
Prof. Dr. Evgeny Akhmedov MPIK Heidelberg |
Mößbauer effect with neutrinos and neutrino oscillations |
Dr. Philippe Lebrun CERN |
The LHC accelerator: Status and plans |
Prof. Dr. Jordan Goodman University of Maryland |
Results from the Milagro Gamma Ray Observatory |
Sommersemester 2008:
Referent | Thema |
Dr. Wolfgang Wagner Universität Karlsruhe |
Top quark physics at the Tevatron |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Buchert |
Dark Energy from structure in the Universe |
Prof. Dr. Lars Bergström Stockholm University |
Cosmological Dark Matter: Evidence and Methods of Detection |
Prof. Dr. Albert de Roeck Universität Antwerpen & CERN |
Forward physics at LHC |
Wintersemester 2007/08:
Referent | Thema |
Dr. Antoine Letessier-Selvon Université de Paris VI |
Latest results of the Pierre Auger observatory |
Prof. Dr. Lothar Oberauer TU München |
First direct observation of solar 7Be neutrinos in Borexino and prospects of low energy neutrino astronomy |
Prof. Dr. Laura Baudis Universität Zürich |
Direct Dark Matter search with liquid Xenon detectors |
Prof. Dr. Matthias Bartelmann Universität Heidelberg |
Dark structures revealed by gravitational lensing
Sommersemester 2007:
Referent | Thema |
Prof. Dr. Ben Moore, Universität Zürich |
Dark Matter clusters: Implications for direct and indirect detection |
Prof. Dr. Peter Gorham, University of Hawaii |
Radio Detection of UHE Neutrinos with the ANITA experiment |
Dr. Bruno Leibundgut, ESO Garching |
Measuring the Equation of State of the Universe with high-z supernovae |
Dr. William C. Louis, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Neutrino Oscillation Results from MiniBooNE |
Wintersemester 2006/07:
Referent | Thema |
Prof. Dr. Claudio Montanari INFN & University of Pavia |
Results from the WArP Dark Matter Search |
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Völk MPIK Heidelberg |
Theory of Cosmic Ray production to the knee |
Prof. Dr. Kay Königsmann, Universität Freiburg |
Status and latest results of the CERN solar axion search CAST |
Prof. Dr. Manfred Lindner MPIK Heidelberg |
Implications of precision measurements of neutrino masses and mixings
Sommersemester 2006:
Referent | Thema |
Dr. Andrew Strong, MPE Garching |
Gamma ray emission from the inner Galaxy |
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hillebrandt, MPA Garching |
Supernova Theory and Cosmological Distances |
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Nierste, Universität Karlsruhe |
The CKM matrix and CP violation |
Dr. Kenji Shinozaki, MPI München |
Re-analysis of AGASA data at the GZK cut-off |
Wintersemester 2005/06:
Referent | Thema |
Prof. Dr. Ofer Lahav, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London | Massive Neutrinos and Cosmology |
Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Langanke, TU Darmstadt und GSI |
Neutrino Nucleosynthesis & Nuclear weak-interaction processes in stars |
Dr. Jelle Kaastra Space Research Organization of the Netherlands (SRON) |
The search for Warm Intergalactic Matter |
Prof. Dr. Reinhold Schuch, University Physics Center Stockholm |
High Precision Mass Balance determination of the 3H-3He Q-value
Sommersemester 2005:
Referent | Thema |
Dr. Alvaro de Rujula, CERN |
Cosmic Ray Acceleration through Canon Balls |
Dr. Sylvio Klose, Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg |
Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts |
Prof. Dr. Matthias Steinhauser, Universität Karlsruhe |
Top Quark Threshold Production at a Linear Collider |
Prof. Dr. B. Sathyaprakash, Cardiff University |
Astrophysical and Cosmological Sources of Gravitational Radiation |
Wintersemester 2004/05:
Referent | Thema |
Prof. Dr. Dieter Zeppenfeld, Universität Karlsruhe |
Weak Boson Fusion at the LHC |
Dr. Stefan Schönert, MPIK Heidelberg |
0νββ Decay Search with 76 Ge: Status and Future Perspectives |
Prof. Dr. Claus Rolfs, Universität Bochum |
Fusion Reactions in Stars |
Prof. Dr. Werner Hofmann, MPIK Heidelberg |
Detection of VHE γ´s with the H.E.S.S. Telescope |
Sommersemester 2004:
Termin | Referent | Thema |
27.04.04 | Dr. Alain Coc CSNSM Orsay |
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis compared to WMAP observations and to the Abundance of Light Elements |
25.05.04 | Prof. Dr. Helmut Koch Universität Bochum |
Recent Developments in Hadron Spectroscopy |
22.06.04 | Prof. Dr. Markus Roth TU Darmstadt |
Acceleration with Light |
13.07.04 | Prof. Dr. Josef Jochum Universität Tübingen |
Direct Dark Matter Search: CRESST I+II |
Wintersemester 2003/04:
Referent | Thema |
Prof. Dr. Masahiro Teshima, MPI München |
Cosmic Rays and Gamma Rays; from GeV to the highest energies |
Dr. Hans-Thomas Janka, MPIA Garching |
Latest Insights into Supernova Evolution Processes |
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Staude, Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam |
Solar magnetic fields and oscillations |
Dr. Jörg Hörandel, Universität Karlsruhe |
Galactic Cosmic Rays and the TRACER Balloon Experiment in Antarctica |
Sommersemester 2003:
Termin | Referent | Thema |
29.04.03 | Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel MPE München |
Evidence for a black hole at the center of the Milky Way |
13.05.03 | Prof. Dr. Stefan Paul TU München |
Results from the CERN-SPS Experiment COMPASS |
01.07.03 | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Drees Uni Wuppertal |
Highlights of the CERN LEP Experiments |
15.07.03 | Dr. Alan W. Poon LBL, Berkeley |
Evidence for Reactor Anti-Neutrino Disappearance at KamLAND |
Wintersemester 2002/03:
Termin | Referent | Thema |
29.10.02 | Dr. Klaus Eitel, Forschunsgzentrum Karlsruhe | Short baseline neutrino experiments |
03.12..02 | Prof. Dr. Paolo Franzini, Universita di Roma La Sapienza | Results from KLOE |
14.01.03 | Dr. Steen Hannestad, University of Aarhus | Neutrino Physics from Cosmological Observations |
11.02.03 | Prof. Dr. Simon Swordy, University of Chicago | Cosmic Ray Antimatter |
Sommersemester 2002:
Termin | Referent | Thema |
07.05.02 | Dr. Ulrich Schramm LMU München |
Crystalline Ion Beams |
04.06.02 | Prof. Dr. Koichiro Nishikawa University of Kyoto/KEK |
Results from K2K, perspectives for future long baseline neutrino experiments |
25.06.02 | Priv.-Doz. Dr. Hartmut Abele Universität Heidelberg |
Quantum states of neutrons in the Earth´s gravitational field |
09.07.02 | Prof. Dr. H.-V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus MPI für Kernphysik, Heidelberg |
Evidence for neutrinoless double beta decay |
Wintersemester 2001/02:
Termin | Referent | Thema |
31.10.01 | Prof. Dr. Günther Quast Universität Karlsruhe |
Was haben wir bei LEP gelernt? |
27.11.01 | Prof. Dr. Rainer Santo Universität Münster |
Erste Ergebnisse von Experimenten am RHIC |
18.12.01 | Prof. Dr. John Wilkerson, University of Washington, Seattle | First Results from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory SNO |
22.01.02 | Dr. Eva Grebel MPI für Astrophysik, Heidelberg |
Der Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Von der Sternenbildung zu kosmologischen Strukturen |
Sommersemester 2001:
Termin | Referent | Thema |
24.04.01 | Dr. Vadim Burwitz MPE München |
Die neuen Röntgen-Missionen XMM-Newton und Chandra |
26.06.01 | Dr. Gabriel Chardin DAPNIA Saclay |
WIMP dark matter: Direct detection with EDELWEISS |
17.07.01 | Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert Universität Dresden |
Erste Ergebnisse des BABAR Experiments zur CP Verletzung in B-Zerfällen |