The Institute for Astroparticle Physics (IAP) at a Glance

Research of the Institute for Astroparticle Physics addresses fundamental puzzles of nature at the frontiers of science, where cosmology, astrophysics, and elementary particle physics meet. In collaboration with international research institutions, the IAP conducts fundamental experimental research in the fields of particle and astroparticle physics.

In large international experiments we examine the nature and origin of cosmic rays, properties of neutrinos, and the composition of dark matter.

Our projects are embedded in the programme Matter and the Universe, part of the HGF association’s research field Matter.



Information about our research, our experiments and our working groups

News-3er_IKP_katrinM. Breig / KIT

Direct determination of the neutrino mass

The KATRIN experiment
News-3er_IKP_icecube.jpgIceCube Collaboration

The South Pole neutrino observatory

IceCube group at IAP
Dark Matter

Experiments on direct Dark Matter search

Dark Matter group at IAP
Theoretische Astroteilchenphysik
Theoretical Particle and Astroparticle Physics

Theoretical predictions and interpretation of experimental results

Theory groups at IAP
Radio detection
Radio Detection

Exploring radio emissions initiated by cosmic particles at the highest energies

Radio Detection group at IAP
News-3er_IKP_corsika.jpgBeatrix von Puttkamer / KIT

An air shower simulations program

CORSIKA website
KCDCBeatrix von Puttkamer / KIT

Public data centre for high-energy astroparticle physics based on KASCADE data

KCDC website
Tunka-RexTunka-Rex Collaboration

Cherenkov-radio hybrid measurements of ultra-high energy cosmic rays

The Tunka-Rex experiment

Search for dark matter in the hidden-photon sector using a large spherical mirror

The FUNK experiment